A Preliminary NYCC/NYAF Schedule

So Comic-Con has released their panels and events schedule, and I’ve given it an initial glance. My first thought was that the folks who scheduled SDCC also scheduled this: it’s really top heavy, with Friday being insane and Saturday and Sunday being far more normal. And I’ll be there this year as Press, covering the event for Manga Bookshelf, A Case Suitable for Treatment, and freedom.

So here is what I have scheduled, bearing in mind that I’ve no doubt missed something important, I will have to eat at some point (veal parm sub lunch with Erica!), and that a couple of these will be “Sorry, already full” turned away at the door sort of panels.


11am – 12 noon: Unusual Manga Genres

12:15pm – 1:15pm: Yen Press Industry Panel

1:30pm – 2:30pm: Dark Horse 25th Anniversary Panel

2:45pm – 3:45pm: Funimation Industry Panel

4:15pm – 5:15pm: Venture Brothers Panel

6:30pm – 7:30pm: Kodansha Industry Panel (with Hiro Mashima)

7:45pm – 8:45pm: XX: The Women of Queer Comics

8:45pm – 9:45pm: Vertical Industry Panel

As you can see, after this schedule I will basically be DEAD. Karaoke? Hah. I also fully expect I will be unable to get into the Venture Brothers panel. And I’ll see if I can feel out Dark Horse: if they have few to no manga announcements, I may go to Del Rey’s book panel instead. But hey, I have an hour for dinner! Bonus!


10:45am – 11:45am: Bandai Industry Panel

1:30pm – 2:30pm: Archie Comics Industry Panel

5pm – 7:15pm: Fairy Tail Panel

7:30pm – 8:30pm: CBLDF: Defensing Manga

As you can see, a much saner day, with loads of free time to actually do other things. As with last year’s Durarara!! panel, if the FT panel is just cosplay and videos and squee, I may skip out. Also, I will do my best this year to avoid the hyper guy at the Bandai panel demanding moe blobs (no, I’m not exaggerating).



10:45am – 11:45am: Viz Media Industry Panel

2pm – 3pm: Classic Warner Bros./Hanna-Barbera Cartoons Going Blu-Ray

As you can see (gotta have it in threes or it’s not jazz), this is the quietest day, which is good as I expect I will need to conserve ergs and rest my ankle which has only just healed and which no doubt I will be re-aggravating all weekend. That last panel, btw, is my one non-negotiable one.

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  1. I am dying to know what will happen at some of those manga industry panels (especially Vertical, we didn’t get anything really new at Otakon)! Also, I missed the Otakon showing of “Unusual Manga Genres” because my friends made me late (also, it was at 9, this one is at 11). So I look forward to reading up on what happened at the Manga Bookshelf!

    • Sean Gaffney says

      You may get Vertical stuff sooner than NYCC – Ed Chavez says he has some announcements planned for Anime Weekend Atlanta.

  2. Hoping for some great manga announcements.

  3. It’s good to know that someone will be blogging for freedom.

  4. Look, it’s too early to think about NYAF…

    Too early to think…

    Too early…


    Geez. It’s almost here!!!

  5. Veal parm, yes! It’s a date.


  1. […] Gaffney posts his plans for New York Anime Fest, which is coming up in mid-October. I’ll be there too, probably following a schedule similar […]

  2. […] publishers, including Yen Press and Dark Horse, will have panels; Sean Gaffney has a pretty good schedule sketched out for manga and anime lovers. NYAF will also feature an AMV contest and a maid and […]

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