Category Archives: can someone please explain what’s going on?!

Can Someone Please Explain What’s Going On?! ~A Sign-on-the-Line Wedding Story~, Vol. 6

By Tsuredurebana and Rin Hagiwara. Released in Japan as “Dareka Kono Joukyou wo Setsumei Shite Kudasai! ~Keiyaku Kara Hajimaru Wedding~” by ArianRose. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Emily Hemphill.

The previous five books in this series have all had me writing fairly positive reviews, but they’ve all had me turn around like Lieutenant Columbo and say “there’s just one thing that bugs me”. The constant focus on Viola being thin is telling. The use of the word “fatso” in a previous book. The fact that this book is very much on the side of the rich nobles doing whatever they want – even to other countries. Everyone keeping things from Viola “for her own good”. And it all comes to a head here, in the final book in the series. Except it’s not the final book – there are three more, which seem to be of the “side story” variety. But the author talks about how the books end here, and the tacked-on epilogue almost reads like a cancellation. Not that I’d blame the editors. Viola is still a wonderful character, but this book in particular belongs in the pit of shame.

Most of the main dilemmas of the series have now been resolved, with the possible exception of Viola’s superhuman inability to realize that she is loved and cherished by all around her. That will be fixed with this book, which sees the arrival of The Crown Prince and Princess of Aurantia. A country bordering their own, they’re here looking for husbands and wives, and have their hearts set on Viola and Cersis – despite the fact that Viola and Cersis are already married! Unfortunately, they’re also sort of cartoonishly evil. It’s up to Viola’s newly mastered martial arts skills and 100-meter dash abilities to try and save herself from a nasty kidnapping and a definite international incident. Once she does this… perhaps a re-wedding is in order?

So let me get this out of the way. Both of Aurantia’s royalty (also darker-skinned, but I won’t even go into that) are described negatively by Viola and everyone around her. The prince seemingly looks like a linebacker, being described as “burly” and “2 1/2 times as wide as Mr. Fisalis”. Funny, in the illustrations he looks as handsome as all the other men. This does not apply to the princess, who is called “fat”, “plump”, etc. and mocked and belittled by all Viola’s noble friends through the entire book. It’s really grating, and I’d also like to remind readers that just because a character is bad does not mean we get to start in on fat shaming them. They really are pathetic villains, and I will admit it was fun to see slim Viola shoulder throw the Crown Prince, but it still irked me. Also irking me was the constant “we’ll keep this a secret from Viola”, either due to not wanting to worry her, or wanting to surprise her, or just to tease her. I mean, literally in this book we see that not telling Viola leads to bad things in their relationship, and yet everything is STILL kept from her. Viola herself is still the best part of the book, but even she grated on me when all her friends were attacking the royal visitors in their best “catty” way and all Viola could do was inwardly say “Eek, girls are scary!”.

The book ends with Cersis and Viola having a “second wedding” now that Viola has finally admitted she is no longer a wife in name only. Then, to my great surprise, we jump forward several years for a quick epilogue, which shows Viola’s child (and another on the way) and reads very much like a Jump series that got cancelled at 3 volumes. If this were the final volume, I’d think it was the publisher’s doing, but there’s definitely more coming, so it just reads as super abrupt. I admit I will be reading the next book in the series – I like Viola’s inner narrator – but boy howdy, this book took everything wrong with previous books and put it together in one big cocktail. Recommended for those who love to see rich white men winning the day.

Can Someone Please Explain What’s Going On?! ~A Sign-on-the-Line Wedding Story~, Vol. 5

By Tsuredurebana and Rin Hagiwara. Released in Japan as “Dareka Kono Joukyou wo Setsumei Shite Kudasai! ~Keiyaku Kara Hajimaru Wedding~” by ArianRose. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Emily Hemphill.

For all those whose favorite part of this series is the disconnect between Viola’s opinion of herself and what everyone else thinks of her, I have delightful news: this book is entirely about that. Indeed, at this point I think the most interesting – and impressive – part of the book is how no one is really sitting Viola down and explaining anything to her. They’re content to merely praise her, let it flow in one ear and out the other, and watch as she slowly (very slowly) figures things out. Now, part of this is that the writer doesn’t want her to suddenly wise up, as that means the series would almost be over. But it also shows that it’s Viola who needs to make the change and realize that she really is a gorgeous, trendy person. This also applies to her marriage – Cercis continues to be content – mostly – in waiting patiently for her to recognize his feelings. She’s still not there yet.

The book begins still on their belated honeymoon, and the most important thing that happens is when they tour the Fisalis mines and Viola takes a liking to the sapphires that have been left behind (because the miners are after the rarer rubies). Cersis decides to make these sapphires – which he renames Viola Sapphires – the hot new thing, and to have her show off how gorgeous they are. Of course, this also means she finally has to go out to parties again, so sadly very little puttering around in her maid outfit in this book. That said, as the book goes on, Viola slowly realizes that fashion and tastes have changed since she was last at an event – and everyone is now following HER. Even the blond ojou, who’d dropped her princess curls and upped her tsundere. Viola also now seems to get that Cersis really does love her. As for her own feelings… work in progress.

There’s a lot of good humor in this book. Some of it is overt, such as everything about the sapphires and Viola’s embarrassment, or Viola, after her near kidnapping in the last book, learning self-defense (and finding her maids all have daggers strapped to their thighs, which she calls sexy). Some of it is more subtle, mostly as Viola’s constant self-deprecation has become both amusing and annoying. Again, all Viola sees when she looks at herself is plain, flat-chested, and gawky, but she fails to realize that she’s basically Twiggy, setting the trend that everyone else has started to follow. Her bafflement at seeing all the other young women at the parties wearing simple hairdos and dresses is really funny. That said… I really hope we are reaching the end of Viola’s endearing bafflement soon. There is only so long you can string this out. I realize that we may never see her have a good opinion about her looks, but maybe we could at least get her to fall in love a bit? (I’d wonder if she’s ace, but this is not that kind of series.)

Despite a bit of frustration, this is a strong volume in a series that runs on light froth, and for those who want to see Viola walking arounnd looking stunning, it’s a must read.

Can Someone Please Explain What’s Going On?! ~A Sign-on-the-Line Wedding Story~, Vol. 4

By Tsuredurebana and Rin Hagiwara. Released in Japan as “Dareka Kono Joukyou wo Setsumei Shite Kudasai! ~Keiyaku Kara Hajimaru Wedding~” by ArianRose. Released in North America by J-Novel Club. Translated by Mattias Hirsch.

Despite the fact that we’re only at Vol. 4 of 9, it is sometimes difficult to remember how far Cersis has come since the start of the series. Let’s recall the premise: he asks Viola to become his wife on paper so he can continue to fool around with a dancing girl. It’s hardly a surprise that, having fallen in love with Viola instead, she does not really believe he’s all that serious. (Viola’s amazing self-worth issues don’t help, though thankfully there’s far less of that in this particular book.) That said, we’ve slowly seen him grow and change, both as a commander and as a somewhat clueless husband. It should therefore not come as too much of a surprise when, towards the end of this new volume, he admits to his past faults and is resolving to become the best duke he can be, everyone is staring with their jaw dropping. Including Viola. He now has to prove that he means it.

the first half of the book wraps up the war storyline, with our gallant soldiers returning home victorious, and Viola forced to go to the palace to have the King welcome everyone back. (Which he does. At length.) The King gives all the soldiers a two-week vacation, and Cersis decides to use the time to take Viola on a tour of his duchy, starting with the manor that his parents normally stay in when they aren’t doting over Viola. Everyone and their brother are calling this the honeymoon that she and Cersis never actually had, and are expecting them to spend most of it trying to conceive some children. Everyone except Viola, of course, who is far more interested in the town scenery and the local shops. Fortunately, Cersis by now has sort of figured out how much of a job he has ahead of him, and just rolls with it. Unfortunately, the duchy, thanks to the war, is in more dire straits than expected…

I’m going to be honest, I was among the people who were boggling at Cersis’s change of heart at the end of the book. I was expecting that the conflict in the Town that he got into was arranged by him for Viola’s sake… though perhaps not the kidnapping attempt. But credit to him, he is trying hard, taking note of the issues that lead to the unrest, and taking Viola’s suggestions on how to handle things based on what she did in her much poorer Earldom, where they can’t afford a constant fleet of guards to keep the peace. It is also very in character of the series so far that, even after directly confessing his love to her – again – Viola’s response is still “sorry, I’m still just not really that into you”. Romance is a foreign nation to her. That said, this is going to change, and now that Cersis is no longer the bumbling doofus husband (much), I look forward to seeing how he wins her over. I will warn, though, there’s one scene where where Viola narrates a fight between her would-be kidnappers and Cersis, and there is a repeated use of the word “fatso” which, while I’m sure was also bad in the Japanese, might have been replaced with something else.

This is one of those shoujo light novels that feels the most like a Western romance, with a definite lack of magic, past lives, or villainesses. Even Calendula, the dancer and former beau of Cersis who kicked this all off, is a relatively nuanced and sympathetic woman. Definitely checking out more.