The Abandoned Heiress Gets Rich with Alchemy and Scores an Enemy General!, Vol. 2

By Miyako Tsukahara and Satsuki Sheena. Released in Japan as “Suterare Reijō wa Renkinjutsu-shi ni Narimashita. Kaseida Okane de moto Tekikoku no Shō o Kōnyū Shimasu” by PASH! Books. Released in North America by Cross Infinite World. Translated by piyo.

It feels a bit odd to be saying that the theme of this second volume is the “well, that escalated quickly” meme. After all, the first volume was not exactly a Slow Life sort of book, featuring dead parents, demonic possession, forced slavery, etc. And yet this second volume definitely feels like it’s upping the ante, as we get all those things again, with an added dose of “creepy eugenics experiments on flora and fauna”, and the inevitable “wanted for a crime against the state and hunted down like a dog”. Fortunately, it’s a different state – though I get the sense that this will be happening to Chloe and Julius with every country they go to. Fortunately, now that they’re admitting their feelings for each other, the relationship between the two has become a highlight, and Chloe’s annoying habit of praising herself has become both a beloved running gag and a necessary evil. It’s how she copes.

After a few brief scenes at Chloe’s shop, which include making an artificial hand for the very apologetic King Cyril, Chloe and Julius are off to the Kingdom of Rasheed. There they not only might be able to find a dragon to mate with Julius’ beloved Helios, but they also may have a Seal Master who can do something about Julius’ slave marker. Unfortunately, there are a few signs that this is not going to go as smoothly as possible. Eliza, one of the antagonists of the first book, has escaped from prison and fled the country, and it doesn’t take a crystal ball for the reader to guess where she’ll be. More to the point, Rasheed has its own little “a demon has possessed someone and is working to cause chaos and destruction” issue, only this time with the full support of the royal family… well, part of the royal family. What’s more, the angels and demons have a far closer tie to Chloe than expected.

Chloe is a lot easier to take in this book than the first one, and her “beautiful young maiden” mantra is used even more than before. You could argue that she could also say that she’s a complete angel, but after the events of this book, that might hit a bit too close to home. I enjoy that Chloe and Julius have a nice, realistic falling in love relationship, which lacks the sudden realization of other stories in the genre but simply develops naturally and calmly, as Chloe realizes and accepts her feelings. There’s also a few hints dropped here about Julius’ own past, and I get the sense that may be the next arc. That is, once we finish off this arc. The book ends mid-battle with a big cliffhanger,

I enjoyed this a great deal. It’s got some nice romance bits, a plucky young heroine who does badass things and can hold her own with the hero, and some good action and drama. I wonder when Book 3 will hit…

Looks Are All You Need: Tatsuki’s Breakbeats

By Ghost Mikawa and necomi. Released in Japan as “Kao Sae Yokereba Ii Kyōshitsu” by Fujimi Fantasia Bunko. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Evie Lund.

One thing that I’m really enjoying about this series is how it’s not really any of the two types of books we see these days. Generally speaking the largest category of light novel can be categorized as “fantasy” in some way or another, be it isekai, reincarnation, military books with magic, etc. There’s some sort of supernatural thing or power involved. The other genre is “romance” in some way, shape or form, with the romance of the lead character being one of the main plots. But Looks Are All You Need isn’t either of those. Shiika’s talents are partly due (we’re told) to her synesthesia, but that is a genuine condition, not a made up cool power. Same with Erio and her huge range. Here we meet dance prodigy Tatsuki, and we learn that it’s really just hard work and a desire to change something that drive her. It may be told in an overdramatic, shonen-esque manner, but the most unrealistic part of the series is probably Gakuto’s ability to beat people up. As for the romance, there may be a few crushes here and there, but it’s not remotely the focus of the book. Fame is the focus of the book.

We’re up to the next major goal for our brother-sister team and their friends. It’s time for the final exam, which is done in groups with the points being allotted as the group sees fit. The music department has to post a video of a performance. Easy enough. But it has to combine music AND DANCE, and Shiika’s got the stamina and athletic ability of a sloth. That’s a big problem. Fortunately, one of the hottest first-years in the dance department, Tatsuki, is delighted to help them out – provided she gets a song from one of the group’s fantastic composers in return. There are just a couple of issues. First of all, is a really good song and dance going to be enough? And secondly, Tatsuki has her own issues, which are causing her to put up a facade when she really should be speaking out…

The core of the second book, and of Tatsuki’s issues, is hip-hop culture in Japan. Hip-hop as a genre tends to get defined as just “what rap was in the 70s and 80s” by some folks, but there’s a lot more to it than that, including dancing, beatboxing, graffiti, etc. It’s also, as the book notes, a scene that is not what it used to be. At its core, though, this explores a fairly familiar story from earnest school books like this – how to stop a friend from going to the bad side and becoming a delinquent. Which is hard when everyone has spent your whole life thinking YOU’RE the delinquent. I also really enjoy Gakuto, who is somewhat self-aware that he’s in a light novel but he doesn’t let it drive what he does. I love his stunned shock at the reminder that – gasp! – if you want to be successful you have to actually network and make good contacts. The solution to the fashion problem was also very clever, and reminds us that competitions in real life are about winning by working around the rules but not breaking them.

This remains really enjoyable to me, though to be fair I come from a drama background. Unfortunately, it’s a brand new series, and I think we’re caught up to Japan. Time to wait.

The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten, Vol. 6

By Saekisan and Hanekoto. Released in Japan as “Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsu no Ma ni ka Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken” by GA Bunko. Released in North America by Yen On. Translated by Nicole Wilder.

Sometimes all it takes is a little validation. For this entire series we’ve been watching Amane struggle to imagine anyone thinking of him in any positive way whatsoever, and we also got little flashes back to his past to show what happened to make him think this way. But now Mahiru is his girlfriend, and the two of them are a lovey-dovey couple, and all of a sudden he’s become a really amazing boyfriend, to an almost jaw-dropping degree. His tendency towards logically thinking things out and never being impulsive now allows him to, both consciously and unconsciously, seduce Mahiru completely. And frankly, thank God, because it was my main complaint with this series (and many others – a lot of these ‘sweet couple’ series have self-loathing as the guy’s main flaw). That said, that’s still one side of the equation. Mahiru’s past, of course, is arguably even worse, but – despite the last chapter in this particular volume – we have a ways to go before those demons are banished.

The first half of this book continues Amane and Mahiru’s visit to stay with his parents over summer break, and it’s basically a cavalcade of sweet moments, including looking at cute childhood moments, going shopping and buying cute outfits… and also settling things with one of his old best friends, who ended up abandoning him when everything went town in Amane’s past. (Amane’s response is, frankly, a bit logical and cold, but also very in character.) They then go back home and have summer homework… which everyone has done but Chitose, so it’s mostly an excuse to watch her suffer for humor purposes. And then it’s off to a festival, which is mostly there to have everyone realize that Amane is fully invested in Boyfriend Mode, and it can be terrifying. That said, family matters crop up at the end, as Mahiru’s father wants to meet… with Amane.

We do get suggestions of the ongoing plot with this series’ secondary couple, though the series is assuming you read the short story volume that came out right before this. It feels appropriate given this is a sweet love story between couples in high school that a lot of the conflict arises from parents, be it mild (too much teasing from Amane’s mother) to serious (everything about Mahiru’s childhood). Chitose’s issue falls somewhere in between the two, and is also easily the most relatable. She’s in love with her boyfriend and wants to make a life with him, but his father thinks she’s not good enough for him. I expect we may see more of that later on. As for Mahiru’s dad, there’s a lot of “I’m trying, but it’s a bit too late and I know it will make no difference” to this. Which, um, also feels very, very real to me. I wonder if the next major arc will involve Mahiru managing to come to terms with things?

There’s a whole lot of syrupy sweetness I just skipped over, because why review that? But trust me, it’s there. For those who enjoy “I got the perfect girlfriend” series.